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Core Coin Skills

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The following techniques are common within the whole of coin magic, and are used regularly in the repertoire of the professional or keen amateur today. However their origin and development goes back to some of the oldest magic books in print. 

Thumb Clip

Difficulty level: 1

One of the early printed sources of concealing an object in the hand is in The Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584). The Thumb Clip, and other methods that follow appears in a clearer definition with illustrations in Professor Hoffman's Modern Magic (1876).

Thumb Clip Vanish

Difficulty level: 2

This vanish technique uses the thumb clip. 

See also the tutorial on lapping.

Lapping Technique

Difficulty level: 2

Lapping is method used to vanish a coin. It is a simple technique, but needs practice to make it convincing, and can easily be exposed if it is not done correctly.

Fake Take

Difficulty level: 2

This is a movement used to apparently pick up a coin. It is an essential sleight within the magician's arsenal.

Fake Put

Difficulty level: 2

This technique allows you to apparently place something in one hand, when in fact you retain it secretly.

Classic Palm

Difficulty level: 2

Palming is a technique that most people have heard of, but few know how to do, and even fewer can do it well. So listen carefully, and make sure you learn it the right way. 

Finger Palm

Difficulty level: 2

The Finger Palm is a method of secretly concealing a coin in your hand whilst your hand is in a natural position.

Producing A Coin From Finger Palm

Difficulty level: 2

Using the finger palm technique, you can produce a coin from anywhere.

Back Clip

Difficulty level: 2

The Back Clip is a method of secretly concealing a coin behind your fingers. 

Producing A Coin From Back Clip

Difficulty level: 2

This technique gives the impression of pulling a coin out of thin air.

Vanishing A Coin Using Back Clip

Difficulty level: 2

This vanish is effectively a reverse of the back clip production.

The Jumping Coin

Difficulty level: 3

This gives the illusion of the coin jumping magically from one hand to the other. It uses the back clip technique and the finger palm production.

Edge Clip Production

Difficulty level: 3

This technique can be used to produce a coin from the bare hand, and looks super clean.

Edge Clip Vanish

Difficulty level: 3

This technique can be used to vanish a coin from the hand cleanly with the palm facing the audience.

Spellbound Change

Difficulty level: 3

This versatile action can be used to transform one coin into another, or any object of roughly equal size.

Strike Vanish

Difficulty level: 3

This visual of a coin, attributed to David Williamson, is a vital move that should be in the repertoire of any coin magician. It takes time to master, but is well  worth the practice.

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